Cultural Show Group Info Form Cultural Show Group Info Form Group Name * Group Contact Name * Email * My group has a Technical Representative is different that the Group Contact listed above. * No, the group contact will be able to answer all technical questions from Edison Staff. Yes, their name is:Yes, their name is: Our Technical Representative can be reached at this email: * My piece has large props or a set: * Yes No Describe your large props and/or set pieces in as much detail as possible. Include construction materials. * Attach pictures or designs with scale measurements: * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 51.2MB I acknowledge my set needs to fit through a standard size single door and be able to navigate sharp turns. * I agree. My piece has an intro video: * Yes. I will bring it on a flash drive to the Edison on Media Day. No, we do not have an intro video. My piece has transition music while we are setting up the stage with spacing markers, props, etc. * Yes. I will bring the transition music on a flash drive to the Edison on Media Day Yes, but a member of Exec will being all transition music at the same time to Media Day. No, we do not have transition music. My piece has music or a backtrack: * Yes, I will bring the audio file on a flash drive to the Edison on Media Day No, we do not have an audio file for our piece. My piece has projections that are NOT an intro video: * Yes, we have a video that plays during our piece that I will bring on a flash drive to the Edison on Media Day Yes, we have slides or a static image that are projected that I will bring on a flash drive to the Edison on Media Day Yes, we have BOTH a video and slides or a static image No, we do NOT have projections during our piece. My piece needs microphones: * No, we do not need microphones. Yes, we need this many microphones:Yes, we need this many microphones: We also would like to use: * Mic Stands Podium with microphone Dry ice / fog OtherOther I acknowledge that the Lighting Designer will be in contact with me about my lighting cues. Due to scheduling, the number of cues will be determined by the Lighting Designer. * I agree. I acknowledge that my time on stage is limited. Any changes requested outside of our stage time may not be implemented before the next rehearsal. * I agree. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ