
The stage deck is covered with 1/4″ Masonite painted black. Two portable, three step, step units lead from the house onto the stage. A black Marley dance floor capable of covering the stage from the plaster line to near the back wall is available. Its use requires prior notification and approval of the Edison Production Manager.
SPECIAL NOTE: There will be no tap, flamenco or other type of rough soled/studded shoes worn on the dance floor. This includes character shoes with exposed tacks or nails. Any furniture items or potentially damaging props must be cleared by the Edison technical directors.
*Please note that the use of rosin on our Marley floor is prohibited.
Proscenium: The maximum width is 50′. The standard width is 40′ centered on the 50′ center line. This smaller opening is achieved by adjusting the legs. The proscenium height is fixed at 19′-6″. There is a Rouge Red Valance at the furthest downstage hanging position that can be brought in to reduce the proscenium size.
Stage Floor: The distance from plaster line to the upstage wall is 33′-6″. The distance from the plaster line to the furthest upstage lineset is 27′-1”. The typical playing space upstage of the Plaster Line is 40’x24’, typical playing space including downstage of the plaster line is 40’x31’ not including the thrust. The distance from the thrust point to the plaster 16′-5″. The thrust is an elevator which acts as the orchestra lift and can only be operated by Edison staff. The thrust lowers to 11′-9″ below stage level, and services the trap room only. It can be stopped at any level for orchestra use. The thrust/lift may not be operated during performances. The stage loading doors, company switch, sound system’s amplifier rack, and fly rail are located stage right. Please be advised that our stage space tapers on stage from down stage to upstage. We encourage visiting companies to familiarize themselves thoroughly with our space through our ground plan and section. Because of the asymmetrical layout of the house seating, stage and rigging, some adjustment or adaptation on the part of the company may be required. Wall-to-wall width:
86′-6″ at plaster line.
56′-0″ at upstage wall.
Note: Stage Left wing space is virtually non-existent. There is a door upstage left which serves as access to the crossover in the backstage hallway.
One 25′-0″ Genie AWP-30s electric manlift. A 300-pound weight limit.