The fly system is a double purchase counterweight system. The fly rail is 23′-6″ from the deck. The weight gallery is 43′-0″ from the deck. The grid is split between lineset 19 & 20 with the lower grid being 52′-1″ and upper grid being 60′-1″ from the deck. The system contains 26 counterweight linesets and 9 motorized linesets. Batten capacity is 600 pounds, with arbor capacity of 1,200 pounds. In rep hang there are 12 open counterweight linesets from 6’4” from the Plaster Line to 24’8” from Plaster Line. Motorized linesets are reserved for dedicated electrics, and permanent installed theatre soft goods. Due to the Edison’s irregular shape as you move upstage linesets become shorter.
Lineset Schedule
Any deviation from fly schedule or movement of masking requires advanced arrangement with technical staff of Edison Theatre, no less than 30 days prior to load in date.