Edison Theatre is the only fully technically equipped, proscenium thrust theater at Washington University in St. Louis. See the menu for a detailed look at the technical specifications of the Edison.

Scenery and load-in trucks should enter from Forsyth Boulevard. The loading dock of Edison Theatre is located on the west side of the Mallinckrodt Building. It is a street level elevator, 6′-0″ wide by 16′-0″ long and drops to 10′-0″ below ground level. The loading doors at the bottom of the elevator well open to 4′-8″ wide by 7′-10″ high. The distance from the loading door to the stage is 90′-0″ with one sharp left turn. Loading doors to the stage open to 7′-0″ wide by 13′-10″ high. No portable ramp or forklift is available.
Visitor parking is available in the DUC Garage next to Edison Theatre. During weekdays, parking for small company trucks may be provided by the Edison Theatre as is appropriate per vehicle type. For further information please, contact the Production Manager or Technical Directors.
Absolutely no live, functioning firearms are allowed on the Edison Stage or on Washington University grounds. All stage weapons either firearms or edged must be permanently non-functioning/blunted dummies adhering to all Edison Theatre and university safety policies and law enforcement restrictions. All such weapons must be cleared by Washington University Police Department and Edison Theatre Staff before use no fewer that 14 days prior to the first rental day.
The use of live flame, cigarettes, pipes, cigars or any other fire related items in the Edison Theatre is strictly controlled. Detailed prior notification and plans must be submitted in writing to the Edison Theatre Production Manager and Technical Director at least 60 days in advance of the first rental day. Said plans must comply with the standing fire permit issued to the Edison Theatre by the local municipal fire marshal. Final approval to be given following review by Washington University’s safety officer and Edison Theatre Technical Director. This process must be completed before the use of flame or related items will be allowed in the Edison Theatre. There will be no exceptions.
The Edison Theatre requires that all scenery loaded in for use in our facility be properly flame proofed. Installation of said scenery by a company or organization will constitute their understanding of this policy and will signify their acknowledgement that they are responsible for insuring that proper flame proofing precautions have been taken.